5 months ago

Cathy Tolk

A life well lived. A friend’s mother died at 103 today. Wow! It doesn’t matter how long we have our loved ones, we are never ready to say goodbye. For those of us who have lost our loved ones, no where near 103, that seemed like a blessing. Once again, I’m reminded how life is a matter of perspective. Choose to be happy, regardless of your circumstances. Focus on your blessings, not your struggles. Make the time you have with your loved ones count. I knew in this case, she needs have no regrets. Whenever anyone would compliment her on how well she took care of her mother, and believe me it was inspirational, she always said, “I promised my father before he passed that I would.” She was an only child, so all of this fell on her plate. All I can say to her is, “Job well done.”



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