6 months ago
When I ask people what they are afraid of the answer I hear most often is death. Fear is all consuming and in the throws of this emotion all bets are off. Hearts pound, breathing shallows and all rest of your body functions go helter-skelter. And that fear doesn’t stop death, but does stops you (dead in your tracks) from living the life you were meant to live.
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6 months ago
Where ever you go there you are! Depending on the circumstances this can either be the good or bad news! There’s no running away from any situation and again this can either be the bad or good news. It’s all a matter of perspective and if I were you I consider that good news.
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6 months ago
When you're always looking over the fence for the proverbial greener pastures, you just might miss the daisies growing in your own backyard. If we are habitually looking for bigger and better … (you fill in the blank) we are blinded and lose focus seeing what’s been right in front of us the whole time. All I can say is “Be here now.”
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1 years ago
A life well lived. A friend’s mother died at 103 today. Wow! It doesn’t matter how long we have our loved ones, we are never ready to say goodbye. For those of us who have lost our loved ones, no where near 103, that seemed like a blessing. Once again, I’m reminded how life is a matter of perspective. Choose to be happy, regardless of your circumstances. Focus on your blessings, not your struggles. Make the time you have with your loved ones count. I knew in this case, she needs have no regrets. Whenever anyone would compliment her on how well she took care of her mother, and believe me it was inspirational, she always said, “I promised my father before he passed that I would.” She was an only child, so all of this fell on her plate. All I can say to her is, “Job well done.”
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1 years ago
A life well lived. A friend’s mother died at 103 today. Wow! It doesn’t matter how long we have our loved ones, we are never ready to say goodbye. For those of us who have lost our loved ones, no where near 103, that seemed like a blessing. Once again, I’m reminded how life is a matter of perspective. Choose to be happy, regardless of your circumstances. Focus on your blessings, not your struggles. Make the time you have with your loved ones count. I knew in this case, she needs have no regrets. Whenever anyone would compliment her on how well she took care of her mother, and believe me it was inspirational, she always said, “I promised my father before he passed that I would.” She was an only child, so all of this fell on her plate. All I can say to her is, “Job well done.”
If you fear the truth, don’t poke the bear. When you ask a question, you deserve an honest answer. It’s not always pretty, it doesn’t necessarily make you feel special, but think of the alternative. Would you have rather heard a lie? I once had a very wise person, who was more of a mentor to me, offer what turned out to be invaluable advice. He shared, “Most people are very selective when and only ask questions to those they already know will agree with them.” Dare to play life’s game of ”Truth or Consequences." Who knows, you just might end up, “King/Queen for a day.”
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk2 years ago
Rumor has it the best is yet to come! To fully understanding the depth of this statement start by checking your gratitude list. After doing so you can clearly see how much you already have to be thankful for. And just like that the promise that the best has yet to come becomes mind blowing. Be grateful and truly thankful for all you now have and at the same time humbled by the thought of all the blessings yet to come.
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk2 years ago
Some people walk around with a scowl on their face, a chip on their shoulder and always seem angry. They live in the world of drama always fighting a battle with everyone who crosses their path and I mean everyone. It shouldn’t come as a surprise when I tell you that story never ends well. At first I thought they were fighting with the other people but after stepping outside the box and considerable reflection it turns out they were fighting with themselves all along. The whole world can’t be wrong and if you find that you are continually in the same bad situation start by looking in the mirror, the culprit is usually staring right back at you.
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk2 years ago
You’re right when you think things are not going to always remain the same. At certain times is in fact the good news but at other times we wish time would literally stand still forever. Of course that’s not possible but with the right attitude, a lot of patience, your world will unfold according to its own plan and that will become your new normal.
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk2 years ago
It's always good and comforting to have somebody in your corner. You are always safe in their mouth, and they have your back, no matter what. It’s a Judgment -free zone. It doesn’t mean you have to have the same opinion on every subject, but you respect each other’s perspective,
and in the end always agree to disagree.
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk2 years ago
Are you fiercely independent? It sounds all powerful and really admirable on paper, but there is potential for danger written all over that statement. We were sent on this journey alone, but it was never intended to be endured alone. And there will be days when enduring is exactly what it feels like. There is strength in numbers, so don’t limit yourself to only the number one.
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Cathy Tolk | Inspire Others to Overcome | MS Advocate
"No matter how long or short my encounter is with anyone, when we part, we will both be better people for having met." - Cathy Tolk